DFKI - Earth And Space Applications (ESA) group
We combine AI Expertise with Earth Observation data to develop solutions for your use cases. We are at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI from Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz).
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Earth observation is enjoying a rapidly growing field of applications, from crop yield forecasting and land cover detection to urban planning and disaster management. However, with the sheer volume of data being generated, a simple manual analysis is often no longer feasible, giving rise to the need for automatic tools such as AI or, more specificly, Machine Learning (ML).
This is what we are focusing on within the AI4EO Solution Factory. Although there is a wide field of application areas, their underlying technical solutions are often based on similar ideas. We can therefore reuse building blocks and modules from previous solutions within the solution factory enabling rapid prototyping in new application areas.
The AI4EO Solution Factory is funded as part of the European Space Agency InCubed Programme.
Are you getting curious? you can read more here: AI4EO - Solution Factory